Bangladeshi students who overthrew autocratic ex-premier Sheikh Hasina last year have formed a new political party to finish the work that began with her ouster, the group’s leader told AFP. Nahid Islam, 27, was one of the most visible faces of the youth-led protest campaign Students Against Discrimination, which brought down the curtain on Hasina’s…
Ayni paytda Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyev Xorazm viloyatini ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlantirishning ustuvor vazifalari yuzasidan yig‘ilish o‘tkazmoqda. Yig’ilishda Urganch shahridagi Maxsus tibbiyot industrial parkiga 50 million dollarlik 12 ta loyiha joylashtirilishi qayd etildi. Yil yakuni bilan farmatsevtika korxonalari sonini 26 taga, mahsulot turini 50 taga yetkazish muhimligi taʼkidlandi. Umuman, aytilgan imkoniyatlardan foydalanib, viloyatga 1,5 milliard dollar sarmoya, shundan 1…
Law enforcement detained several individuals from a “March for Khilafah” program organized by the banned Hizb ut-Tahrir outfit in the capital on Friday. The exact number of detentions is yet to be confirmed by the police. The detentions took place after the program began on the street in front of the northern gate of the…