A presidential resolution “On the introduction of a system for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of deputy heads of ministries, state committees, other government bodies and business associations” was adopted.
According to the resolution, the deputy heads of government bodies and business associations are personally accountable to the President for the efficiency and effectiveness of their activities in the sectors and spheres assigned to them and are accountable to the Cabinet of Ministers.
The resolution introduces a system for assessing the performance of deputy heads of government bodies and business associations.
– the main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of activities and achieving the target tasks of deputy heads of government bodies and business associations with a state share of more than 50 percent are approved by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers;
– annually, their performance indicators are developed and approved by government bodies and collegial bodies of business associations;
– systematic monitoring of the main criteria and indicators for assessing the effectiveness of activities is carried out;
– at the end of each quarter, holding discussions in the Cabinet of Ministers of the activities of deputy heads;
– taking measures to encourage or bring to disciplinary responsibility by evaluating the activities of all deputy managers on the basis of evaluation criteria and indicators.
According to the resolution, in order to reduce the human factor in assessing the performance indicators of the leadership of ministries and departments, a special electronic platform will be launched, which allows to determine the current state of affairs by automatically analyzing data on key indicators.
Also, after revising the powers of all deputy heads of government bodies and business associations, a draft resolution will be developed to specifically define the powers and boundaries of responsibility in their functional duties.
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