According to preliminary data, in January-February 2022, enterprises of Uzbekistan produced industrial products worth 66.7 trillion soums, the index of physical volume of industrial production compared to the same period in 2021 amounted to 107.4%.
The State Statistics Committee said in the structure of production, the largest share falls on manufacturing enterprises (79.0%), the volume of production of which amounted to 52.7 trillion soums.
The main factors in the growth of the physical volume of industrial production was its increase in manufacturing enterprises by 7.8%. There is also an increase in the mining industry by 1.3%, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning – by 15.8%. At the same time, there is a decrease in the volume of production at water supply, sewerage, waste collection and disposal enterprises by 0.1%.
The volume of products produced by mining and quarrying enterprises in January-February 2022 amounted to 7.5 trillion soums, or 11.3% of the total industry.
In January-February 2022, manufacturing enterprises produced goods worth 52.7 trillion soums, or 79.0% of the total industry.
In the structure of the manufacturing industry, the share of high-tech industries amounted to 2.8% (1.6% in January-February 2021), medium-tech – 21.1% (18.3%), medium-low-tech – 37.9% (41.7%) and low-tech – 38.2% (38.4%).
In the volume of the manufacturing industry, the share of enterprises for the production, repair, assembly of machinery and equipment, the production of cars, trailers, semi-trailers and other finished products amounted to 17.2% (the index of physical volume by January-February 2021 was 134.1%), metallurgical industry – 28.4% (index of physical volume by January-February 2021 amounted to 104.0%), enterprises for the production of textile, clothing and leather products – 20.5% (index of physical volume by January-February 2021 amounted to 104.6%), for the production of food, beverages and tobacco products – 15.6% (the physical volume index by January-February 2021 was 104.5%), enterprises for the production of chemical products, rubber and plastic products – 8.8% (the index of physical volume by January-February 2021 amounted to 100.8%).
In January-February 2022, 196.0 thousand tons of motor gasoline were produced in the republic (in comparison with the corresponding period of 2021, an increase of 5.8%), 92.9 thousand tons of cotton yarn (a decrease of 4.6%), 18.4 million liters of beer (a decrease of 15.8%) and 286.6 thousand tons of flour from soft wheat and spelled (a decrease of 12.2%).
In January-February 2022, large enterprises of the republic produced 425 trucks (by the corresponding period in 2021, the volume of production decreased by 25.8%).
In January-February 2022, one bus was produced in the republic (by the corresponding period of 2021, a decrease in production by 65.9% was noted).
In January-February 2022, more than 32.8 thousand pieces of car engines were produced in the republic (an increase of 2.3 times compared to the corresponding period of 2021).
In January-February 2022, 818 pieces of transformers were produced in the republic (by January-February 2021, the volume of production increased by 25.7%).
In January-February 2022, 99.0 tons of “sandwich” panels were produced in the republic (by the corresponding period of 2021, a decrease in production by 93.4%* was recorded).
In January-February 2022, the machine-building industry produced 114.2 thousand batteries (a 33.6% increase in production was recorded against the corresponding period in 2021).
In the automotive industry, in January-February 2022, 10 787 Cobalt brand cars were produced (growth rates increased by 76.1% compared to the same period in 2021), 2 902 Nexia cars (a 10.5% decrease), 12 340 – “Gentra” (an increase of 4.2 times), 890 – “Spark” (a decrease of 14.0%), 3 720 – specialized passenger cars (an increase of 3.1 times) and 9 283 – “Damas” (growth rates increased by 18.4%)
The overhaul of technological equipment made it possible to increase the capacity utilization of chemical enterprises and exceed the production figures of the previous year for the production of disodium carbonate (113.5% compared to January-February 2021). At the same time, there is an increase in the production of paints and varnishes based on acrylic or vinyl polymers in the aquatic environment (106.7%) and urea (114.0%).
If in January-February 2021 the share of the metallurgical industry in the structure of the manufacturing industry was 30.3%, and the physical volume index increased by 5.4%, then in January-February 2022 the share of the industry in the manufacturing industry amounted to 28 .4%, the index of physical volume increased by 4.0%, while the volume of production amounted to 14 982.8 billion soums
In January-February 2021, the share of production of other non-metallic mineral products in the structure of the manufacturing industry amounted to 4.4%, while the volume index, in relation to the same period in 2020, reached 110.4%. In January-February 2022, the share of other non-metallic mineral products amounted to 3.8%, the index of physical volume of production increased by 3.7%, and the volume of production amounted to 2 011.3 billion soums.
If in January-February 2021 the share of food production in the volume of the manufacturing industry was 13.6%, and the physical volume index reached 107.9%, then in January-February 2022 the share of food products was 12.8%, the index the same physical volume amounted to 106.4%, and the total production volume – 6 736.7 billion soums.
According to the results of JanuaryFebruary 2021, the share of beverage production in the structure of the manufacturing industry amounted to 2.2%, while the physical volume index, in relation to the same period in 2020, amounted to 101.0%. In January-February 2022, the share of beverage production amounted to 2.2%, the physical volume index – 106.9%, and the volume of production reached 1 184.6 billion soums.
According to the results of January-February 2021, the share of textile production in the structure of the manufacturing industry amounted to 16.2%, while the physical volume index, in relation to the same period in 2020, amounted to 111.3%. In January-February 2022, the share of textile production amounted to 17.2%, the physical volume index increased by 6.7%, and the volume of production became equal to 9 073.2 billion soums.
If in January-February 2021, the share of clothing production in the structure of the manufacturing industry was 3.2%, and the volume index was 105.3%, then in JanuaryFebruary 2022, the share of the industry in the manufacturing industry was 2.9%, the index physical volume – 98.3%, the volume of production became equal to 1 522.0 billion soums.
In January-February 2021, the share of chemical production in the structure of the manufacturing industry was 8.0%, while the physical volume index, in relation to the same period in 2020, amounted to 104.1%. In January-February 2022, the share of chemical products amounted to 7.5%, the index of physical volume of production decreased by 4.2%, and the volume of production amounted to 3 928.4 billion soums
According to the results of JanuaryFebruary 2021, the share of production of coke and products in the structure of the manufacturing industry amounted to 3.2%, while the index of physical volume, in relation to the same period in 2020, amounted to 68.6%. In January-February 2022, the share of production of coke and refined petroleum products amounted to 2.1%, the physical volume index decreased to 59.7%, and the production volume amounted to 1 103.5 billion soums.
According to the results of JanuaryFebruary 2021, the share of production of rubber and plastic products in the structure of the manufacturing industry amounted to 1.5%, while the physical volume index reached 100.4%. In January-February 2022, the share of this industry amounted to 1.3%, the index of physical volume – 121.1%, the volume of production – 694.7 billion soums.
In January-February 2021, the share of electrical equipment production in the structure of the manufacturing industry was 3.1%, while the physical volume index, compared to the same period in 2020, amounted to 119.8%. In January-February 2022, the share of this industry amounted to 2.3%, the index of physical volume of production – 82.3%, and the volume of production – 1 216.0 billion soums.
According to the results of January-February 2021, the share of production of metal products in the structure of the manufacturing industry amounted to 1.9%, while the index of physical volume, in relation to the same period in 2020, amounted to 103.6%. In January-February 2022, the share of this industry amounted to 2%, the physical volume index – 101.1%, and the volume of production – 1 039.6 billion soums.
According to the results of January-February 2021, the share of motor vehicle production in the structure of the manufacturing industry amounted to 6.2%, while the physical volume index, compared to the same period in 2020, was 49.6%. In January-February 2022, the share of this industry amounted to 10.4%, the index of physical volume increased to 193.1%, the volume of production reached 5 469.8 billion soums.
The volume of products produced by electricity supply, gas, steam and air conditioning enterprises in the period under review amounted to 6.1 trillion soums (9.1% of the total industry). The index of the physical volume of the industry, compared with the corresponding period of 2021, increased by 15.8%.
The volume of products produced by water supply, sewerage, waste collection and disposal enterprises in January-February 2022 amounted to 0.4 trillion soums (0.6% of the total industry)
Compared to the corresponding period of 2021, in January-February 2022, there was an increase in the production of textile waste by 20.5%, services for the removal, transportation of wastewater and their treatment – by 30.1%, as well as services for emptying, cleaning and treatment of cesspools, sedimentation tanks and septic tanks – by 1.7%
As a result of the measures taken to expand the range and stimulate the release of finished products, the production of consumer goods in January-February 2022 amounted to 20.0 trillion soums and, compared with the corresponding period of 2021, the growth rate reached 127.1%, the share in the total industry amounted to 30.0%.
In the structure of food production, the production of wine, vodka and beer in January-February 2022 amounted to 6.3% (7.2% in JanuaryFebruary 2021). In the structure of the production of consumer goods of the republic, the largest share falls on the Andijan region (19.6% of the total volume of consumer goods), Tashkent city (19.3%), Tashkent (13.8%) and Samarkand (11.9%) areas. The largest growth in the production of consumer goods was recorded in Andijan (in 165.3% compared to the corresponding period of 2021), Syrdarya (143.1%) and Samarkand (139.8%) regions, exceeding the average for the republic (127.1%).
In the structure of consumer goods production of the republic in JanuaryFebruary 2022, the largest share falls on Andijan region (19.6% of the total volume of consumer goods), Tashkent city (19.3%), Tashkent (13.8%) and Samarkand (11.9%) of the region.
In the structure of production of non-food products of the republic in January-February 2022, the largest share falls on Andijan region (28.0% of the total volume of non-food products), Tashkent city (18.4%), Samarkand (12.2%), Tashkent (9.7%) of the region.
In the structure of food production of the republic in JanuaryFebruary 2022, the largest share falls on the Tashkent region (21.1% of the total volume of food products), Tashkent city (20.9%) and Samarkand (11.9%) region.
In the total volume of industrial production of the republic in January-February 2022, the largest share falls on the Tashkent (19.0%) and Navoi (18.8%) regions, as well as in the city of Tashkent (14.6% of the total volume of industrial goods ).
An analysis of the differentiation of industrial output per capita for January-February 2022 showed an excess of the national average (1 911.3 thousand soums) in Navoi (12 240.8 thousand soums), Tashkent (4 344.1 thousand soums) regions and Tashkent city (3 466.1 thousand soums).
In January-February 2022, small businesses produced products worth 11.9 trillion soums, the share of which in the total production amounted to 17.8%.
The production of consumer goods per capita in January-February 2022 in the republic amounted to 573.6 thousand soums, including in Tashkent city – 1 373.3 thousand soums, Andijan region – 1 219.5 thousand soums, Tashkent region – 947.1 thousand soums, Khorezm region – 700.3 thousand soums
Today, 92.0 thousand industrial enterprises operate in the republic, of which 16.2 thousand (17.6% of the total number of operating enterprises) are located in Tashkent city, 10.0 thousand (10.9%) – Fergana, 9.5 thousand (10.3%) – Andijan, 9.4 thousand (10.2%) – Tashkent and 8.2 thousand (8.9%) – Samarkand regions.