At a regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, held on 26 August 2020, the draft law “On personal subsidiary plots” was discussed in detail in the first reading.
At the meeting, the deputies noted some inconsistencies in previous laws and current legislation. For example, the current legislation provides for liability for the failure of individuals to plant crops or landscaping on the backyard plots of land provided for individual housing construction and maintenance of a residential building. However, the legislation lacks the concept of personal subsidiary farming and does not establish norms for its management.
These issues are widely covered in a draft law developed to ensure the implementation of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to ensure food security, rational use of available resources and state support for agriculture during the coronavirus pandemic” from 1 May 2020.
The project specifically defines the rights and obligations of owners of personal subsidiary plots and members of their families in the use of household plots. At the same time, the tasks and the role of authorized state bodies and non-state non-profit organizations in the field of personal subsidiary farming are revealed.
As noted by the deputies, the adoption of the bill will strengthen the mechanisms of state support for personal subsidiary plots. In particular, the creation of conditions for the free sale of products grown or processed by running a personal subsidiary farm, in markets, in retail outlets, independently or through representatives, cooperation with horticultural clusters, and rules are established to facilitate membership in horticultural cooperatives.
After extensive discussions, the bill was adopted in the first reading.