Concerns are rising as citizens of Uzbekistan face increased deportations from Turkey. Beknazar Rakhmatov, the author of the Telegram channel “Uzbeks in Turkey,” was denied entry to Turkey. He announced this on his channel. On May 28, the blogger was detained by special services at Istanbul Airport and reported being deported despite legally living and working in…
In May 2024, prices for goods and services in the consumer sector saw an average increase of 2.8 percent. According to the Statistics Agency, the annual increase (compared to May 2023) in prices within the consumer sector reached 10.6 percent. In May of 2024, within the composition of the consumer price index, prices for food products…
In the Freedom of the Press Index for 2023, compiled by the international non-governmental organization Reporters Without Borders, Uzbekistan ranked 137 out of 180 countries. Last year, the republic occupied the 133rd place. “Uzbekistan has no private television network. State-owned radio transmits official propaganda, privately owned radio stations abstain from any criticism for fear of…
During the spring season, more than 600,000 seedlings were planted in areas without irrigation systems. Some ministries, departments and sectors have not paid enough attention to planting activities, the Senate of Oliy Majlis stated. On May 31, the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change reported on the work carried out on greening, tree planting…
a meeting of representatives of the railway administrations of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Türkiye was held in Tashkent on the development of freight transportation along the CASCA+ transport corridor. The meeting was also attended by representatives of large exporting enterprises, in particular, Uzkimyoimpex, Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant, UzAvtoSanoat JSC, Tashkent Pipe Plant…