During January-March (20th) 2024, over 376.5 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers were sold through electronic trading at the Uzbek Republican Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, which is 13.5% less than for the same period in 2023, UZEX News reports “ Sales volume in January amounted to 99.2 thousand tons, in February – 156.1 thousand tons and in…
TASHKENT, July 16. /IA “Doone”/. The President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, allowed the heads, except for the agricultural complex and the khyakims of the velayats (regions), to go on labor leave from August 1 to September 1, the correspondent of the Dune news agency reports. According to the state news agency “Turkmenistan Today” (TDH), the…
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Muzaffar Madrakhimov met with Ambassador of Poland Radoslaw Gruk, reports “Dunyo” IA correspondent. According to Uzbekistan MFA, the parties reviewed the current state and prospects for the development of Uzbekistan-Poland relations in political, trade, economic, cultural and other spheres. The sides exchanged views on the schedule of upcoming…
Ayni paytda Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyev Xorazm viloyatini ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlantirishning ustuvor vazifalari yuzasidan yig‘ilish o‘tkazmoqda. Yig’ilishda Urganch shahridagi Maxsus tibbiyot industrial parkiga 50 million dollarlik 12 ta loyiha joylashtirilishi qayd etildi. Yil yakuni bilan farmatsevtika korxonalari sonini 26 taga, mahsulot turini 50 taga yetkazish muhimligi taʼkidlandi. Umuman, aytilgan imkoniyatlardan foydalanib, viloyatga 1,5 milliard dollar sarmoya, shundan 1…
The information service of Uzbekistan Temir Yollari JSC published an appeal from the Chairman of the Board of the Joint Stock Company Zufar Narzullaev to industry workers: It is no secret that today in our country there is a fierce and uncompromising struggle to prevent and combat corruption in various spheres of state and public…