Among the footwear-importing countries from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan took the lead. According to the Statistics Agency, in January-April 2023, Uzbekistan exported 8.4 million pairs of shoes to 11 foreign countries for a total of $12.5 million. Countries to which Uzbekistan exported the most shoes in 4 months of 2023: Kazakhstan – 4.1 million pairs Kyrgyzstan – 2.4…
FBCCI President Md Jashim Uddin has said that both Bangladesh and Uzbekistan have much to offer to each other in terms of economic collaboration. Both countries can be benefited by exploring their potential sectors. He opined this during a discussion meeting with the Uzbekistan delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the…
Compared to the same period in 2022, the FTT increased by 11.9%. According to the Statistics Agency, the foreign trade turnover of Uzbekistan in January-March 2023 amounted to $14.8 billion, having increased by $1.6 billion or 11.9% compared to the corresponding period in 2022. During the reporting period, the republic exported goods and services worth $5.7…
According to the State Statistics Committee, in January-December 2022, the foreign trade turnover of Uzbekistan reached $50,008.4 million, which, compared to the same period in 2021, increased by $7,837.9 million (an increase of 18.6%). Uzbekistan has trade relations with 204 countries. The largest volume of foreign trade turnover was recorded with Russia (18.6%), China (17.8%),…
In 2022, 1,730.6 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables were exported from Uzbekistan to foreign countries for $1,134.3 million. This figure has increased to 18.5 percent compared to the same period in 2021. In the export of fruit and vegetable products in value terms, the largest share falls on grapes (24.7 percent), mung bean (8.2…