Ayni paytda Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoyev Xorazm viloyatini ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlantirishning ustuvor vazifalari yuzasidan yig‘ilish o‘tkazmoqda. Yig’ilishda Urganch shahridagi Maxsus tibbiyot industrial parkiga 50 million dollarlik 12 ta loyiha joylashtirilishi qayd etildi. Yil yakuni bilan farmatsevtika korxonalari sonini 26 taga, mahsulot turini 50 taga yetkazish muhimligi taʼkidlandi. Umuman, aytilgan imkoniyatlardan foydalanib, viloyatga 1,5 milliard dollar sarmoya, shundan 1…
The information service of Uzbekistan Temir Yollari JSC published an appeal from the Chairman of the Board of the Joint Stock Company Zufar Narzullaev to industry workers: It is no secret that today in our country there is a fierce and uncompromising struggle to prevent and combat corruption in various spheres of state and public…
Beeline Uzbekistan makes online shopping even more convenient by offering a wide product range, transparent pricing, and the ease of purchasing on a single platform, BeeMarket. hat is BeeMarket? It is more than simply an online store where customers can find anything they need, including smartphones, accessories, household appliances, and electronics. It is a platform…
The delegation of the European Union to Uzbekistan has launched grant projects for the development of civil society. Funding of 3.5 million euros is divided between 8 civil initiatives that are aimed at supporting women, youth, as well as ecology and sustainable water management. Eight initiatives aimed at empowering civil society, especially women and vulnerable…
The head of state was presented with proposals on issues of streamlining migration and supporting migrant workers, UzA reports. According to these proposals, the Agency for External Labor Migration under the Ministry of Employment will be transformed into a management body in the form of a state institution. The director of the agency will simultaneously…