Startups play a vital role in developing technology and driving innovation.
At the current stage of economic development innovative entrepreneurship (startups) is rightfully considered the most significant driving force of socio-economic development.
In the Year of Science, Enlightenment and Digital Economy Development, the Startup Initiatives support program will be held online due to the pandemic. This format is a great practice for all participating teams and a practical step towards digitalization.
One area that was seriously impacted by the pandemic is employment. As the economic restructuring is underway and as the economy revives, some jobs may simply disappear. Therefore, the Startup Initiatives program will become a platform for the exchange of knowledge and training specialists and implementing technological projects.
Changing conditions and consumer preferences during the pandemic are leaving a serious imprint on the business process and infrastructure of enterprises and organizations, forcing them to further reduce costs and look for new ways of working to stay afloat. By generating feedback in the form of requests for new technologies and innovations, the program will help businesses and organizations reduce costs, digitize key business processes and find talents to solve problems.
The program is being implemented in cooperation with the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the Ministry of Innovative Development, the Agency on Youth Issues, “Yoshlar-kelajagimiz” Foundation, the Center for Supporting Youth Initiatives, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the IT Park.
40 best projects across the country will receive targeted grants of up to 50 million UZS for the implementation of their startups (up to 3 projects from each region and up to 10 projects in Tashkent). Grants will be allocated by “Yoshlar-kelajagimiz” Foundation and UNDP in Uzbekistan based on the funds allocated by the Government of Japan.
Additional information on the support program, project selection criteria and requirements for participants is available on Applications will be accepted until September 16, 2020.
Startup Initiatives support program has been running for 5 years and this year is being implemented under the “Promotion of youth employment in Uzbekistan” UNDP and MELR joint project funded by the Government of the Russian Federation.