The delegation of the European Union to Uzbekistan has launched grant projects for the development of civil society. Funding of 3.5 million euros is divided between 8 civil initiatives that are aimed at supporting women, youth, as well as ecology and sustainable water management.
Eight initiatives aimed at empowering civil society, especially women and vulnerable groups, received EU funding totaling €3.5 million.
“By prioritizing projects for women, children and vulnerable groups, we amplify their voices, promote inclusive development and advance or support the reform agenda in Uzbekistan. Together with civil society and government partners, we contribute to the pluralism and inclusiveness necessary for the flourishing of democracy and a peaceful society,” said Charlotte Adrian, Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan.

The projects that received funding won the call for proposals announced by the EU Delegation to Uzbekistan in 2023. Their implementation is planned for 2024–2026.
The grants aim to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations in the areas of inclusive development, gender equality, promoting the green agenda and increasing gender responsiveness. Below is more information about the projects.
Strengthening civil society organizations from Samarkand, Namangan and Tashkent working with women and youth
Project goal: Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations in Tashkent, Namangan and Samarkand working with vulnerable groups of the population. Reducing stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV, people who use drugs, and sex workers (especially women and youth).
How the project will achieve its goals: 15 civil society organizations will have the opportunity to participate in public campaigning and political dialogue with the government. Medical workers, including AIDS center staff, will undergo awareness-raising training. The Ministry of Preschool and School Education will release a training manual for teachers on countering stigma and discrimination among young people.
Partners: AFEW International (Netherlands), non-governmental organization “Ishonch va hayot” (Tashkent), “Nurbonu” center (Samarkand). Places of implementation: Samarkand, Namangan, Tashkent. Budget: 469 thousand euros
Providing a methodology for civil society organizations to support girls and women victims of gender-based violence
Project goal: Introduction of a methodology for identifying gender-based violence, dissemination of knowledge on how to support victims and refer them to appropriate services.
How the project will achieve its goals: 30 civil society organizations that work with women and girls will receive methodological resources for working with victims of violence. It is expected that after this they will be able to conduct relevant training for mahallas, women’s councils and municipalities to transfer this knowledge. The results of the project will be presented to decision-makers in the field of protecting women from violence in order to include them in government policies on gender equality and combating violence.
Partners: MARTA Center (Latvia), Center for Support of Civil Initiatives, non-governmental organization Nihol. Places of sale: across Uzbekistan. Budget: 414 thousand euros.
Strengthening civil society organizations and their coordination with government agencies
The goal of the project: to coordinate civil society organizations among themselves, as well as with the state.
How the project will achieve its goals: First, the needs of civil society organizations will be identified, then trainers will be trained for them, who, in turn, will conduct training in each region. This is expected to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to work in the areas of youth and women’s rights, gender equality, media literacy, environment and climate change, as well as their participation in dialogue with the state on national policies in these areas.
Partners: Saferworld (Belgium), non-profit organization “Dialogue” (Tashkent), National Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations of Uzbekistan. Places of sale: across Uzbekistan. Budget: 474 thousand euros.
Media skills to promote gender equality and empower young women in Uzbekistan
Project goal: Increasing the involvement of women and youth, expanding their participation in management decision-making. Increasing digital literacy, especially among young women, to counter gender-based misinformation.
How the project will achieve its goals: Improving the skills of journalists and bloggers in Uzbekistan in covering gender issues and women’s discourse. Allocation of sub-grants for youth organizations for media literacy training, as well as sub-grants for 10 women’s civil society organizations to conduct their own information campaigns on gender equality and the rights of girls and women.
Partners: Deutsche Welle Academy (Germany), Center for the Development of Contemporary Journalism (Tashkent). Places of sale: across Uzbekistan. Budget: 500 thousand euros.

Fostering gender-transformative communities through civic engagement
Gender transformative approaches involve combating gender inequality by challenging harmful gender norms, roles and relationships. This concept also includes reconsidering the traditional division of housework and developing women’s leadership skills.
Project goal: Filling the lack of knowledge about gender and women’s rights, their active participation in public life and decision-making.
How the project will achieve its goals: Opening vocational courses for vulnerable groups on universal skills and human rights, business and gender analysis. The project will also involve local departments of the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction, the Ministry of Justice and the Senate Gender Commission.
Partners: DVV International Uzbekistan, Republican Center for Socio-Economic Development “Sabr”. Places of implementation: Samarkand, Bukhara, Andijan, Gulistan, Urgut, Akdarya, Peshkun, Vobkent, Oltinkul, Andijan district, Gulistan district. Budget: 473 thousand euros.
Participation of civil society organizations in sustainable water management
Project goal: Raising awareness about water scarcity.
How the project will achieve its goals: Creation of a virtual platform dedicated to water conservation, as well as a film about successful campaigns to establish dialogue between the public and private sectors, holding a thematic festival.
Partners: European entrepreneurs – European Confederation of Associations of Small and Medium Enterprises (Belgium), Ecological Resource Center “Ecomaktab”, Center for the Development of National Cinematography of Uzbekistan. Places of implementation: Fergana Valley, Jizzakh and Surkhandarya regions, the results of the work will also be distributed throughout Uzbekistan, as well as in Brussels. Budget: 400 thousand euros.
Promoting the economic empowerment of women and youth in the green and circular economy sectors
Circular economy is an economy based on the renewal of resources.
Project Goal: Empowering women and youth to participate in agroforestry and circular economy value chains, and creating an enabling environment for the most vulnerable women to develop entrepreneurship, wealth creation and social inclusion.
How the project will achieve its goals: The project will help improve access to finance for women-led businesses in the green economy, as well as create a business incubator for such businesses.
Partners: International Women’s Association of Malmo (Sweden), non-governmental non-profit organization Mehr Ko’zda, Center for Agricultural Information and Innovation of Uzbekistan. Places of implementation: Samarkand, Jizzakh, Fergana and Tashkent regions. Budget: 474 thousand euros.
Strengthening the capacity of civil society to promote and protect human rights, vulnerable groups and the environment in selected regions of Uzbekistan
Project goal: Assist civil society organizations in protecting and improving the lives of vulnerable groups, expanding interaction with politicians and the public on priority issues of civil society.
How the project will achieve its goals: Conducting training for civil society activists on international and national human rights standards, as well as in the field of management of civil society organizations. Allocation of sub-grants to support innovative projects in the field of human rights.
Partners: International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) (Belgium), Center for Social and Legal Support for Women and Children “Mehrzhon” (Fergana). Places of implementation: Fergana region and Tashkent. Budget: 436 thousand dollars.