On 8 April 2021, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the World Bank, organized a “virtual” round table on the topic “The importance of knowing land use regimes. Prospects for the application of international experience”.
The round table was attended by the Senior Technical Advisor and Global Lead for Land and Geospatial at the World Bank Wael Zakout, the World Bank team on land and geospatial issues, international experts, representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, Ministry of Agriculture, State Tax Committee, Agency for cadaster at the STC, the State Assets Management Agency.
The roundtable opened a series of virtual discussions on the management of state and municipal land and real estate, organized with the support of the World Bank.
The presentations of the World Bank team were aimed at discussing international best practices on effective management of state land resources in Canada, the USA and Vietnam, as well as the existing status of state land use on the example of individual post-Soviet countries. Meanwhile, presentations from the Uzbek side considered an overview of the current condition of the state cadaster and real estate registration, as well as land use regimes and taxation.
The roundtable series are directed to provide participants with the tools to analyze and review international best practices with a focus on land use management, assessment and exchange of information.