ADB approved a multitranche financing facility (MFF) in August 2009 for the program for up to $300 million from ADB’s Asian Development Fund. The program aimed to improve the living standards, environment and public health in eight of Uzbekistan’s 13 provinces through increased access to safer and more reliable water supply and sanitation (WSS) services for 3 million residences. Designed to be delivered in four tranches, the program adopted a medium-term and holistic approach to improve facilities, institutions, and capacities, which were expected to collectively contribute to enhanced WSS service delivery in the participating provinces.
Tranche 1 of the program, which is the focus of this validation, was approved in October 2009 for $60.0 million, covering Bukhara, Navoi, and Surkhandarya provinces. The project rehabilitated the existing water system and construct new WSS infrastructure in these provinces. This report validates the completion report’s assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Successful.